12 Weeks of Personal Coaching to Change Your Nutrition Habits and Lose Fat

12 Weeks of Personal Coaching to Change Your Nutrition Habits and Lose Fat


Having a ton of close contact with a coach who understands your needs, goals and situation is the best way to ensure success.

You won't be left to your own here.

We'll often be in daily contact, and we'll have scheduled weekly check-ins to stay on track. That way, even if everything goes pear shaped and you fall off the wagon, we'll catch it quickly and get you back on track. 

You'll get:

  • Weekly goal setting exercises to keep you motivated and crystal clear about what you want, why you want it, and how you're going to get there. 
  • Weekly check-ins via Skype or in person (at my gym in Toronto) where we'll review your progress.
  • A set of habits and actions to prioritise for the week so you never feel overwhelmed by having to make too many changes at one time.

I'll take care of all the details and deliver a clear, simple plan - how much to eat, which foods to focus on, what to prioritise, and how to implement the changes for maximum ease. All you'll have to do is follow along. 

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