Peter Roberts Coaching

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3 Part Video Series: How To Read Food Labels

What's the first step in improving your eating? Awareness.

You've got to know where you're starting and what you're taking in before you can find opportunities for change.

One of the easiest ways to build awareness and quickly improve your nutrition profile is reading labels. You might be surprised at all the hidden sugars and additives in most processed foods, and how they can hold back your progress.

With a tiny bit of effort and the right information (which I'll provide), you can build incredible awareness about your food in just one week, and take control. Just follow the steps I'm about to lay out.

Watch the one minute video above to learn how to get started on the 7-Day Food Label Challenge

want to learn exactly how to read any food label? 

(This is a great series to help parents teach their kids about how to spot good ingredients versus tricky marketing!)


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