VIDEO: The Most Basic & Effective Glute Activation Drill

This just might be the most basic AND effective glute activation drill I’ve ever shared.

If you need a simple test to see if you have even very basic control of your bum OR if you need a very simple activation drill to practice such that you can improve your control/coordination of your glutes, then this post is for you. I call it “the ass-grab drill” and I came up with it because so many popular glute drills are either too complicated or are too advanced. By too advanced, I mean that anyone with limited control of their glutes won’t be able to properly engage the right muscles. In other words, when they do a glute bridge, someone who can’t engage their glutes will feel it in their hamstrings instead of their bum… And that simply won’t help anyone get better at using their bum!

This basic and effective glute activation drill can be used as a warm-up drill or for homework to teach a better brain to muscle connection. The tactile feedback of the hands on the glutes helps a lot because the client (or you!) can feel exactly what’s happening. Eventually the goal is to progress to more complex movements and to transfer improved control of the glutes to those exercises.

I've written extensively on glute activation progressions - what actually works in real life and what doesn't - here. Check it out if that’s something need some help with. You’ll find lots of productive tips and progressions.

PerformancePeter Roberts