VIDEO: How To Create An Easy Stretching Routine And Succeed At Boring Rehab Homework

You know what’s a total bummer? Stretching, physio exercises, and the other ‘homework’ that we ought to be doing for our physical wellness and longevity. The problem is, we know it’s important and we need to create an easy stretching routine if we’re going to be successful at it. Actually, if you don’t already know that, trust me. It’s critical. If you want to stay fit and pain free for a long long time, there’s no alternative to creating an easy stretching routine.

The trouble is, most of us don’t find these types of homework drills particularly enjoyable. We don’t look forward to them, as we might about hitting the gym, going for a bike ride, joining a game of pick-up soccer, or shooting around at the basketball court.

In today’s video I give my top tips on how to incorporate self-maintenance into our daily lives with a particular focus on how to build your own easy stretching routine in the least painful way possible. It’s not rocket science, but this will help if you’re not already doing it.